• Resonance in our society now – to what extent was George Orwell’s vision of the future prophetic?
    • Draw distinct parallels between features in Orwell’s vision of the future and that which we find to be true of our world today – match the present day truths with specific quotes from the text. Consider: Politics, Political Corruption, Technology, Privacy, Class, Sex, State Control over the Individual, Inequality, Media manipulation, Totalitarianism.

In the text, Nineteen eighty-four Orwell perceives the world of today differently to how the word is actually perceived today. The world Orwell vision for the future of then 1984 till today is a world where you are heavily watched and you have no sense of privacy. Every movement and thought you make is being watched and you have no control over it no matter where you hide someone is always watching you. These being the government and big brother who every moment of the day is watching you. But in some sense this is true today we do live in a very surveillance society where social media is watching everything we do as is constantly following our lives but not the extent of 1984.

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